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yes, quite much.
Autolysis machinations
Forgive me, father!
zero regrets
5/8'ode to yet a another worthless poem. . .
ode to yet a another worthless poem. . .
The Inauguration of the Mucinex Monster!
freee turkey-baconses everybody ...
world of blacknessnests.
one hoss shay / Aldavay Homes
crssng the crt / tennyshuson
fair to hide a poem
deck w/ hidden spare Old Maid
sick vomit soul
product of raadom mutntion
indelible edible spanx..
line only an artist can cross
A man on this planet has an entire beehive up his ass.
potehtas me boy me lad
Spiderman Bar Mitzvah
The sheep will find you and put you to sleep
When the mayflies return, our lu'au begins.
๐ ๐งก ๐
twiddle my thumbs
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