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unconditional love [& superior firepower] saving us
sushied ✔ sushied ✔
flirt with nature ?
flirting with disaster ...
Obama -- Uranium One -- one [1] Yelling Cake
Trans-fatties ... are bad for your health!
Herr Selenskyj hat d/ Tee verschüttet.
i am trans but identify as fat, trans-fatty
((sqiush-sqiush sofa so far))
sqiush sofa so far.
squish sofa so far...
Chuck Norris rief in Kampfszenen gedaempft „Törööö!“
there I, Walz, was @ the deck of the Titanic
Democrats on their way to bleat f. Kamala
i am fat but identify as slender, trans-slender
Sex-Appeal eines Ogers m. Herpes Brachialis
Norris rief in Kampfszenen gedaempft „Törööö!“
NICHT--kreat´ive Zer--St`örung m´ittels Konk`urrenz--Sabot´age
_ .. bc
NICHTkreative Zerstörung durch KonkurrenzSabotage
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